
鄭吉雄,現任香港教育大學文化史講座教授。曾任臺灣大學中文系教授,荷蘭萊頓大學亞洲研究院(IIAS, Leiden University)歐洲漢學講座,新加坡國立大學亞洲研究中心(ARI, NUS)高級訪問研究學人。臺灣教育部「大學學術追求卓越計畫」第一期子計畫主持人,臺灣大學東亞文明研究中心創辦人之一,香港教資會2014年Research Assessment Exercise人文領域審查委員。曾訪問亞洲及歐美多所著名大學。研究領域包括《周易》、中國思想史、經典詮釋學、清代學術思想史、東亞儒學及文獻學等,著有《易圖象與易詮釋》、《戴東原經典詮釋的思想史探索》、《周易玄義詮解》等10種專書,主編《東亞視域中的近世儒學文獻與思想》等15種論文集,發表學術期刊論文70餘篇。

Professor CHENG Kat Hung, Dennis is currently appointed as “Chair Professor of Cultural History” by the Education University of Hong Kong. Previously he had taught in the National Taiwan University for 26 years (1986-2012) before assuming duty in the then HKIEd in August 2012. His research scope covers a variety of professional areas including the philosophy of Zhouyi (I Ching, Yijing, The Book of Changes), the hermeneutic traditions in East Asia, Chinese intellectual history focusing on the Pre-Qin period as well as the late Imperial period covering late Ming to Qing, Chinese religions including Buddhism and Daoism etc. He was appointed “European Chair of Chinese Studies” of the IIAS (International Institute for Asian Studies) of Leiden University from 2010 to 2011 and “Senior Visiting Research Fellow” of the National University of Singapore from 2007 to 2008, visiting scholar at the University of Washington (Seattle) from 1994 to 1995. He had served as the PI of Excellent Projects (2000 to 2010) governed by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, and conducting collaborative research projects with international scholars from East Asia and North America for more than fifteen years. He has published 10 books including A Philological Approach to the Philosophies of Zhouyi (2012), Dai Zhen’s Interpretations on Chinese Classics: An Intellectual History Approach (2008), Graphs and Diagrams of Zhouyi and Their Interpretations (2004), 14 editing volumes and more than 70 journal articles. His upcoming publication A Study of Eastern Zhejiang Learnings will come up in May 2017, while currently he is consolidating his new book with three volumes on the formation of the Zhouyi in early Chinese intellectual history.